Saturday, March 13, 2010

My Bundle of Joy...

Whenever I'm not in a good mood, there's only one thing that can totally cheer me up..It's my little one..When she's not crying of coz...hehe..Really love watching her face, especially when she smiles...rase tenang je.

There's nothing more exciting than watching our baby doing all sorts of thing,....either smiling, laughing, babling, rolling over...that is why they are called bundle of joy, they simply bring joy to our life rite??

To all mommies...

SubhanaAllah..Begitu banyak sekali pahala untuk kita para, be the best mom to our children.. :)

Untuk renungan bersama sempena:-

  • Apabila seseorang perempuan mengandungkan janin di dalam rahimnya, maka beristighfarlah para malaikat untuknya..Allah S.W.T mencatatkan baginya setiap hari dengan 1000 kebaikan dan menghapuskan darinya 1000 kejahatan..
  • 2 rakaat solat dari wanita yg hamil adalah lebih baik dari 80 rakaat solat wanita yg tidak, jgn la mengeluh setiap kali kita melangkah dgn berat kandungan yg kita bawa..ingat ganjaran Allah S.W.T kepada kita para ibu.. :)
  • Wanita yg hamil akan dpt pahala berpuasa di siang hari..bayangkan 9 bulan kita pregnant, betapa byk pahala puasa yg kita dpt.. :)
  • Apabila seseorg wanita mulai sakit hendak bersalin, maka Allah S.W.T mencatatkan baginya pahala org yg berjihad pd jln Allah S.W.T..
  • Wanita yg bersalin akan mendapat pahala 70 tahun solat & puasa dan setiap kesakitan pada 1 uratnya Allah mengurniakan 1 pahala haji..
  • Apabila seseorg wanita melahirkan anak, keluarlah dia dari dosa-dosa seperti keadaan ibunya melahirkannya..after giving birth to a baby, Allah makes us mommies like a new baby too, taking away all the dosa.. isn't that wonderful??the pain that we go thru, gets the benefit of taking away our dosa.. :)
  • Sekiranya wanita mati dlm masa 40 hari lepas bersalin, dia akan dikira sebagai mati syahid..
  • Wanita yg memberi susu kepada anaknya (susu badan) akan dapat 1 pahala dr tiap2 titik susu yg start breastfeeding our baby now..
    Jika wanita menyusui anaknya sampai cukup tempoh (2 1/2 tahun), maka malaikat2 di langit akan khabarkan berita bahawa syurga WAJIB baginya..
  • Jika wanita memberi susu badannya kpd anaknya yg menangis, Allah akan memberi pahala 1 tahun solat dan puasa..
  • Wanita yg m'habiskan mlm nya dgn tidur yg tidak selesa kerana m'jaga anaknya yg sakit akan m'dpt pahala spt m'bebaskan 20 org hamba..
  • Wanita yg tidak cukup tidur pd mlm hari kerana m'jaga anak yg sakit akan diampunkan oleh Allah S.W.T akan seluruh dosanya dan bila dia hiburkan hati anaknya Allah memberi 12 tahun pahala ibadat..

MasyaAllah, SubhanaAllah..I'm so thankful to Allah for giving me the chance to be a mother..Yes, Allah put us to test, the patience to gain HIS rewards in bringing up our children ..May Allah give barakah to us, mothers..Amin~

Thursday, March 11, 2010

My Active Baby...

It is so hard for me to put on her diaper everytime after taking her shower. I think most of us experience the same thing when our baby starts to meniarap rite? So, I'll let her rather than forcing her to lie down betol2...coz she'll become more and more cranky if I did that...But she can do that juz a few minutes, afraid if she'll "wee-wee" while she rolling over tu...

Love you baby....

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

My Baby... baby is growing up so fast!!...She can do a lot of things nowadays, and there must be something new that she discovers everydays....(of coz wat six months old baby should do lah). She likes to play with her little Chi-Chi..(patung tikus).She likes to bite Chi-Chi's ear..sometimes she likes to hisap hidung Chi-Chi...Poor Chi-Chi :)

With her little Chi-Chi...

Ngah gigit hidung ke syg?luckily mama dh cuci awal2 tau

Watching tele sambil korek mata Chi-Chi...

Owh...I'm so amazed with what my little girl can do. Sekarang dia selalu meniarap and terbalik kan badan. But sometimes she can not terbalik kan badan by herself and she'll cried calling for my helps.

She'll smile everytime I kissed her.

Watching her doing all that makes me smiles eventho I'm a bit moody today.

The bonds of Friendship...

Sharing with them,everything seems to melt away..all my worries and pressures.

Friends, like diamonds, are forever.

10s for being my fren..

Introducing sherry n nawal..they are my roomates aka my best frens. Banyak mende yg kitorang share bersama2 and da most important thing diorang selalu ade bila i ada masalah. xpenah jemu bagi nasihat and i do appreciated wat they did for me.

Dua gambar kt atas 2 mase kitorang join Hari Sukan Kolej sgt mse tu..Dan yang paling best bile kitorg menang Explorace..Nawal x termasuk k...u group len mase Explorace tu..penat sgt sbb asik lari je but so exciting,berbaloi2 sbb dpt no 1. Muka comot mcm tikus tu sebab kitorg baru pas main cari sweets dlm tepung..xsuke lh. lucu bile tgok muka memasing mse 2..

Ari 2 jugak ade pesta buah-buahan tempatan..memang kenyang perut lh mkn buah2 tu semua.mcm nk pecah perut...xtau lh berape biji buah durian i makan mase beb...bantai lah..kalu malu lapar gambar xde dalam thumbdrive..seme dlm external disk n external disk dah rosak..sedey sbb byk download citer korea n seme save kt dlm 2..xsempat nk tgok.hampeh btol:(

Gambar kt bawah tu plak mase Ummatic Week..kitorg try pkai pkaian traditional Kenya..ade bakat jadi orang Kenya x kitorang..diorang xde lah kot sbb kulit memasing cerah...i je boleh..maklum lah kulit i ni coklat dodol..huahuahua..

Miz u so much guys...

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Still working on my new layout...

As u can see, I'm charging my blog to a new layout...And still working on it..I'll continue my editing dis evening..InsyaAllah.Till then...wait for my new layout!! :)

p/s: Thanks to cik Maya for helping me...

Speak Up!!

Every morning, as much as I need my milo, I need my job searching fix too. Before Facebook, I log on to my fave website(Bar Council of Malaysia)...fave ke?hehehe and for 15minutes I'll busy sending over my resume with a little hopes. Hoping that I'll get the job..Only then am I good for doing my housework. Only then is life a little more exciting..

Talking 'bout job searching, most women grow up with two main fears, one is death or becoming old and the other is speaking during interview(or public speaking). I don't know how other women feel during their interview session but for me, I admit that speaking is my greatest fear...

Every time I am in front of a crowd, sitting in meeting room waiting question from senior lawyer, I start to shake, my pounds in my chest, and I start sweating though the aircond was on.hehehe

In dat situation, I would speak in a low voice, conscious of everyone looking at my flaws. the picture of everyone starring at you as though u're in a circus is too horrible to bear...

I hope I can overcome my fear in time...InsyaAllah...